Guest Blog post: How one class came together to combat the potential negative mental health aspects of distancing
This content was previously published by Blackboard, now part of Anthology. Product and/or solution names may have changed.
Annette Borger-Snel, PR Graduate Certificate Program Coordinator at Humber College, was looking for a way to bring her class together and combat the potentially negative mental health aspects of social distancing. Using Blackboard Collaborate, she created Study Buddy, an informal place for students to meet and build community.
Can you share a bit about your personal background?
I have been a professor and program coordinator for Humber’s award-winning public relations certificate program since 2013. Before, I was a practicing public relations professional working with many clients in Canada, the US and Europe. I have worked in an agency and with the government, as well as having operated on the client side. I love PR! It is a profession that has afforded me great opportunity, much meaningful work, and the ability to craft narratives that resonate with the right audiences at the right time. Being a professor is, perhaps, the most important work I do – readying the next generation of communicators for a profession I know matters.
As a steward for my students’ success, it is essential to foster their existing talents. I delight in their achievements, champion their learning, and cheer on their professional growth.
What is the Study Buddy program and why did you create it? What were the driving forces behind the decision?
The means through which we typically engage with students in the classroom had to be altered to account for online learning. Interacting with students helps us get to know them better. We can touch base, learn about any challenges they may face, and more. Additionally, with regards to online learning, it's the evenings where questions, concerns, and loneliness might appear.
Study Buddy was a way to engage with students, letting them know I am available to them outside of class and typical “day” hours. I hoped to build a community with them, answer questions they may have, and let them know there is someone around to listen or combat loneliness. Overall, the goal was to ensure positive mental health.
What did your students gain from Study Buddy? How did the program create connection among your students? How did it fit into the larger efforts Humber has undertaken this semester?
I want to think everyone has increased their interactions during the entire first and second semester. We have built an online community and have worked to keep the energy high.
Moreover, we’ve been able to get to know each other a little bit better.
What is great about Humber College is its commitment to students – both from a learning perspective and from a “whole” person perspective. Once online learning was announced, the college ensured faculty could access the appropriate technology. They also provided many good lessons on using Blackboard, and the college supported faculty on adapting lessons for online delivery. The college continued its commitment to provide students with the high level of support the college is known for. Mental health is one of many foci for the college.
What were some of the most memorable Study Buddy moments during the semester?
We’ve had a lot. I have learned so much about our students, including where they are from – especially our international students. We have had a PowerPoint party to celebrate milestones where both students and faculty participated. Perhaps the most fun has been the numerous bagpipe concerts Mathias Ho has performed. He is so talented! He uplifts everyone with both his engagement and humor, and he knows when to share the bagpipes. My hope is to one day meet the students in person, to let them know how awesome they are, and how grateful I am they joined the program and the profession of public relations.
Our last event was a send-off party, officially ushering them on for their internships.
Perspectives on what Study Buddy has meant to students
Naina Trivedi (international student) - Words can't express how much I love Study Buddy! Study Buddy has always been a very safe and fun place for me. After a long day of online classes, a part time job, doing house chores, and assignment meetings, I couldn't wait to join the sessions and spend some quality time with everybody. Study Buddy allowed me to make friends. The love, support, and entertainment in our sessions is something that I have always looked forward to. I feel the Public Relations Certificate course would have been an incomplete journey if I hadn't joined.
Mathias Ho - Study Buddy was our class's office hours, our party time, our career discussion, our therapy session, our mental health checkup, and our work period. On some nights, it could be one or many of those things. You never knew what it was going to be when you logged on.
Some nights, you might be the one seeking help, or you could be the one providing it. Some nights, you just wanted to hang out with your friends and classmates after a difficult week. And, some nights, you just wanted to listen to the conversations. Every night, you were never alone.
At its start, it was a resource provided by Annette for company during the lonely nights of lockdown. I believe Study Buddy has transcended its initial purpose and brought our class closer together, even though we were forced apart. Those connections and friendships have pulled through even on those nights Study Buddy isn't offered.