May 5, 2021

Heroes of Education Europe 2021

This content was previously published by Blackboard, now part of Anthology. Product and/or solution names may have changed.

Over the past year, we have faced enormous challenges within the global education community. As the world has grappled with the COVID-19 pandemic, learners, educators and administrators have also become obligated to adjust and adapt their educational processes. As we reset our mindsets to face new challenges created from an altered path forward, we know this is only possible through the hard work, persistence and passion of educators like you.

Your commitment to ensuring academic continuity has enabled students to continue developing and learning new skills while maintaining a quality educational experience. While facing obstacle after obstacle, you have strengthened your pedagogical practices, creating new and innovative ways for teaching.

You have prioritized the needs of your students, cultivating tools and methodologies to keep them engaged as the landscape of education changed swiftly. Your openness to digital technologies has provided a stable path forward for countless students when they needed your guidance and knowledge the most. The success of your students is a reflection of your resiliency during a time of unprecedented change which continues to face us each new day.

We want to recognize you, the education community, for your extraordinary hard work while serving as a foundational pillar for a prosperous and successful future. Thank you for all that you’ve done and continue to do. Let’s continue to build upon this work to ensure education and lifelong learning remain an imperative part of a more inclusive, safe and sustainable society.

It is during times of deepest distress that heroes are forged. We recognize you as a hero of education and we are forever grateful for you! As a token of our appreciation, we’ve brought together ten executives representing eight countries from flagship institutions in Europe to share a video message for you. Enjoy:

Also, don’t forget to attend the 2021 Blackboard Teaching and Learning Conference Europe, held 100% virtually May 25-27. Join us for interactive online sessions to get ideas and content that informs, inspires and helps you thrive.

Teaser Content

This past year has been a year like none other. Just because the pandemic changed the landscape of our experiences across the globe, you didn’t allow that to change the opportunity for academic continuity for your students.

The Heroes of Education 2021 project has chosen to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your ability to go above-and-beyond in order to guide and teach your students during an unprecedented year. As a special showing of our appreciation, we’ve compiled a little something just for you.

And don’t forget to attend the 2021 Blackboard Teaching and Learning Conference Europe, held 100% virtually May 25-27. Join us for interactive online sessions to get ideas and content that informs, inspires and helps you thrive.

2021 Blackboard Teaching and Learning Conference Europe
May 25-27

Anthology power symbol over a gradient background

The Anthology Team