September 27, 2021

In Their Own Words: How the Pandemic has Shifted the Educational Experience for Students

This content was previously published by Blackboard, now part of Anthology. Product and/or solution names may have changed.

At Blackboard, we asked members of this year’s Student Advisory Council how their learning experiences have shifted over the past three years, from pre-pandemic to present. We believe it’s important to highlight the thoughts and insights of learners themselves, which are provided below in a compilation of quotes. 

The following responses were edited for length and clarity. 

When considering the past three years, how do you feel your experience has shifted and what are some takeaways from that transition? 

“Before the pandemic struck, I attended in-person classes where I actively participated and engaged in discussions with my teachers and peers. This social and physical dimension of learning played a key role for me, both psychologically and academically. Therefore, switching to an online learning environment was highly challenging: even though I had more time to study, I found it hard to concentrate and feel motivated. Participating in class made me feel extremely anxious, and I easily got distracted. However, I eventually got used to this context and have found many tools to help me get by and keep learning.” - Carolina Perez Milano 

“Before the pandemic, my learning experience was very dependent on others, whether that was my teachers or peers. I always had someone to make sure I was on track with my assignments and learning. However, once the pandemic hit, I had to rely on myself to stay motivated and make sure I understood everything I was being taught. Through this self-reliance, I started to finally take control of my learning. This allowed me to figure out what learning styles work best for me.” - Nitya Sandadi 

How has this experience impacted the way you’re approaching your upcoming semesters? 

“I believe the pandemic has made instructors more accommodating and understanding of student needs. I expect that there will be permanent changes in course design, including some shifts away from timed examinations.” - Connor Ranck 

“The addition of technologies such as Zoom and Teams, as well as the abundance of  online support material, has drastically changed how university will be able to be  completed. From here on out, universities will have an accessible and efficient online  learning support system, allowing those with tight schedules to be able to complete  work on their own time.” - Chester Stellingwerf 

“I feel like I am a stronger learner now that I’ve experienced virtual learning, and I am  able to use my new strengths in a normal class environment again.” - Na’ilah Williams 

How do you believe this experience will impact the need for personalized experiences of learning in the future? 

“I think online learning will become a permanent part of education, so personalization will be crucial for learners, educators, and institutions to remain connected during the learning process. I also see personalized experiences as a tool that will help students understand themselves better by allowing them to keep track of their progress.” - Carolina Perez Milano 

“I think education needs to become increasingly personalized because, as people begin to take school from home more often, they are subject to more external factors than they would be when everybody in a class is on the same campus. Whether it be family, jobs, or anything in between, people will have more obligations at home and are going to need their needs met and tailored to them to succeed.” - Charlie Tait 

What elements of your education do you value more now than three years ago? 

“I value the learning aspect more now, deeply appreciating the instructor-to-student transfer of information. I value the ways in which instructors adapt the method of what they teach to specific students’ learning styles. I also value the peer socialization aspect more. Being in a live classroom, interacting with and learning beside peers with the same interest in the coursework adds a vital piece to education for me.” - Danielle Shine 

How has the way you engage and collaborate with peers and instructors shifted over the past three years? 

“My collaboration with my peers and instructors has increased as more technological tools have been accessible. This makes it easier to collaborate with instructors and peers, even when we are not in the classroom. I feel I have become more comfortable engaging with my peers online since we went to each other for help and advice on our learning more frequently during the pandemic.” - Nitya Sandadi 

Blackboard thanks all the members of our Student Advisory Council for their time and service, as well as their willingness to share their candid opinions and insights throughout this past year. 

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