Research Paper

AI in Higher Ed: Hype, Harm, or Help - UK Edition

In today’s dynamic landscape of higher education, the emergence and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) have brought forth both incredible opportunities and complex challenges. As the United Kingdom’s universities embrace this new age, the intertwining perspectives of students and university leaders on AI’s role within academia are paramount to navigating this transformative journey effectively.

Understanding the unique viewpoints of students and university leadership — the key stakeholders — is vital in capitalizing on the potential of AI while addressing potential ethical, pedagogical, and operational challenges.

Anthology conducted a global survey of more than 5,000 higher education leaders and current students in eleven countries to provide context and perspective from students and leaders about the opportunities, challenges, adoption, and impact of artificial intelligence across a number of areas.

Our study reveals intriguing insights, with students exhibiting a growing inclination towards AI adoption, while university leaders appear more hesitant. These findings spotlight the need for a collaborative approach regarding AI to help enrich the educational experience and ensure future-ready graduates.

Through this research, Anthology aims to contribute to the enhancement of the higher education experience for students and universities as they work together to refine how teaching and learning take place. This includes providing actionable recommendations to improve services and learning environments.