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A 24-hour global competition to create more inclusive digital learning content

Thursday, May 18, 2023

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How to Mobilize and Motivate Your Campus for Fix Your Content Day 2023

The Fix Your Content Day Communications Pack contains messaging templates, graphics, and strategies for helping you mobilize participation on your campus. During this 24-hour event, the goal is to encourage anyone and everyone on your campus to fix as many files as possible through Anthology Ally. Remember, the fixes need to happen through the Ally User Interface to be counted in the contest.

Strategies for Organizing Your Campus

  • Make it social: Organize a two-hour Fixathon via web conference, where people join in and work on fixing accessibility issues with their course content as a group so that you can also answer questions, provide tutorials, and have fun together making your campus more inclusive for everyone.
  • Launch an email and messaging campaign: Send out a mass email or post an announcement in the LMS about your participation in Fix Your Content Day. Refer to the templates included in this communications pack for guidance.
  • Keep it simple: Some accessibility issues are easier to fix than others, so encourage participants to start with those simpler issues. Examples include:
    • Adding alt text to images directly through Anthology Ally
    • Fixing heading issues in Word documents (the syllabus is a great document to fix)
    • Replace scanned PDFs by downloading an OCRed PDF from Anthology Ally’s alternative formats to boost your score
  • Involve everyone on campus: Anthology Ally can help you address accessibility issues with more than just your course content. You can create course shells for marketing teams, web teams, and other offices or groups on campus. Encourage them to upload documents shared around campus into their course shells, check the Anthology Ally feedback, and make corrections to the accessibility issues.
  • Make it an engaging campus competition: See which department can contribute the most fixes to Anthology Ally and award the winning department a small prize or recognition. The Anthology Ally team can work with you to determine fixes per department.
  • Share great stories: Our Ally website has a number of great client stories to share with your campus to demonstrate how Ally levels up learner experiences. You can download those and use them as part of your outreach and support.

List of Resources Included in the Pack

1. Email Messaging Template

Greetings Faculty and Staff,

May 18th, 2023 marks the 12th annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), and as part of our campus-wide commitment to inclusive education, we are participating in the Anthology Ally Fix Your Content Day. For 24 hours, we’ll be on a mission to fix as many accessibility issues in course files as we can. At the end of the day, the campus with the most files improved will be recognized and awarded a prize.

How can you help? Start clicking those red and orange indicators in your courses and improve as many files as you can. Focus on images that need a description and Word documents to start. Aim for 100%, but improvement is what counts!

For more information on how to fix files through Anthology Ally, check out [insert campus help page here].

Signature options for emails:
  • We’re participating in Fix Your Content Day with Anthology Ally. Learn how you can help win the challenge! [insert campus help page here]
  • Help us get ready for Fix Your Content Day on May 18! Learn more now. [insert campus help page here]
  • Creating a more inclusive learning environment takes all of us. Join in as we take part in Fix Your Content Day. [insert campus help page here]
  • We’re keeping our commitment to accessibility and inclusion on Fix Your Content Day. Learn how you can help! [insert campus help page here]
  • Help us create a more inclusive learning environment this Fix Your Content Day. [insert campus help page here]

2. LMS Announcement Messaging Template

We’re participating in Fix Your Content Day, a global competition for colleges and universities to see who can improve the accessibility score of the most files. Help our campus win by clicking the accessibility indicators in your course(s) and making the suggested accessibility improvements. For more information, visit: [insert campus help page here].

3. Resources of Interest

Visuals and Graphics: