Anthology at IUPUI 2023

October 29-30, 2023   |   Gold Sponsor

Anthology’s solutions for assessment and accreditation allow you to simplify and streamline processes and measure progress with a flexible platform that collects and analyzes data from across your entire institution.

With a holistic approach that centralizes data and delivers shareable insights, you are empowered to drive continuous improvement at all levels of your institution.

Assessment Management image


A flexible, holistic approach to meeting your assessment goals

Large-Scale Assessment of Learning with Juried Assessment image


Large-Scale Assessment of Learning with Juried Assessment

University of Cincinnati Clermont logo

Client Success Story

Using Updated Assessment Processes to Transform Student Learning

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Anthology Accreditation

How to Grow the Equity & Collaboration in Your Program Level Assessment Process image


How to Grow the Equity & Collaboration in Your Program Level Assessment Process

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Solution Services

Support and Retention - The support they need. Exactly when they need it.

Highlighted Team

Griffin Brock Headshot

Griffin Brock, Regional Sales Manager

Jenna Ralicki Headshot

Jenna Ralicki, Senior Strategic Consultant

Brandon Loy Headshot

Brandon Loy, Product Manager


Connected Assessment Management Ecosystem: Demonstrate Progress Toward Effectiveness with Anthology
October 30th at 12:30pm - 1:30pm in room Denver
Jenna Ralicki and Brandon Loy - Anthology
In this session, we will discuss how Anthology helps you get the data you need to tell your institution's story and answer that all-important question: Are we fulfilling our mission and commitment to our learners?