January 12, 2023

14 Technology Predictions for Higher Education in 2023

"The atomic unit of education is shrinking. Courses, credentials, and training options are getting smaller and more specific versus bigger and more generalized. Smaller atomic units of education allow training to be integrated into work at the project level. 2023 will be the year that learning management systems connect to knowledge management systems and where we recognize that workers are actually learners for a lifetime." — Taylor McLemore, managing director, Techstars Workforce Development Accelerator

"With the increasing adoption of Web 3.0 technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, the opportunities for higher education institutions to streamline access to education and provide students with relevant and personalized content are rapidly expanding. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we think about education. One way institutions can do this is by incorporating the use of digital wallets, which can securely and efficiently showcase students' skills and credentials, including certifications and badges that are earned outside of traditional degree programs. These badges provide a more comprehensive picture of a student's abilities and qualifications, making it easier for employers and other organizations to assess their potential. Furthermore, institutions can benefit from having a digital verification system as it can increase trust from other institutions or employers, help to reduce administrative workload, and support students with transfer and mobility in their education." — Justin Louder, associate vice president for academic innovation, Anthology