June 19, 2023

7 Questions on Engaging Faculty in Digital Accessibility

We asked the Technical College System of Georgia's accessibility champions how they help instructors create a more inclusive learning experience for all students.

Recently, more than 85 colleges and universities around the world spent 24 hours making nearly 80,000 accessibility fixes to digital course content. They were participating in Anthology's fourth annual Fix Your Content Day challenge, a competition devoted to creating more inclusive learning environments for students. This year, the leaderboard was dominated by the Technical College System of Georgia: Not only did TCSG colleges take first, second, and third place for the number of files fixed per number of students enrolled on campus, but 13 TCSG institutions finished in the top 20 overall.

Campus Technology sat down with TCSG accessibility champions Robert Keown and Erica Roberson to find out how they engage instructors to improve accessibility across the system and drive a better student experience. Keown is executive director and Roberson is educational technology coordinator for Georgia Virtual Technical Connection, the system's online learning division, where they provide distance education training and resources to faculty at all 22 TCSG colleges.