2021 Online Giving Analysis and Strategic Considerations for 2022
Each year, Anthology analyzes data from its advancement customers to identify the latest trends in online giving, uncover strategic insights, and share success stories to help you refine online giving and engagement strategies.
While the 2020 calendar year was unlike any other, in a lot of ways the same can be said for the 2021 calendar year as the impact of the pandemic continued throughout the year. There continues to be uncertainty about when we will reach the new normal. While much of the focus was on student emergency funds or pandemic-related support in 2020, this shifted a bit in 2021, returning to broader areas of focus for many institutions.
To help inform solicitation strategies for 2022, Anthology analyzed online giving trends in 2021, as giving online continues to grow in importance for donors. Now in its seventh year of conducting this analysis, Anthology reviewed online giving data from 202 higher education institutions for the 2020 and 2021 calendar years.
Online Giving to Higher Education Institutions Increased by 9% in 2021
Each year of the analysis, higher education institutions have seen an increase in online giving, including in 2021. Dollars raised grew by 9%, a slight decrease from 10% in 2019 and 2020—a 32% increase in dollars raised online compared to 2018 for the identified group of institutions.

Get the Full Analysis
Download the full white paper for an in-depth analysis of 2021 online giving and considerations for your 2022 strategy.