Fix Your Content Day: An Impact on Inclusion for GAAD 2020
May 21st, 2020 marked the 9th annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) and the first ever Blackboard Ally Fix Your Content Day challenge. Colleges and universities enrolled in the challenge to see which institution could improve the accessibility of the most course files using Blackboard Ally. In the lead up to the challenge, institutions planned their strategy and prepared for the day.
When the clock struck May 21st in the first timezone on Earth (Kiribati), the global Leaderboard launched and the competition began. Leveraging usage data from Ally, the Leaderboard ranked each participating institution by their total number of files improved out of their total number of students. The Leaderboard also tallied the total number of files improved across all Ally users. The challenge lasted until May 21st ended in the last timezone on Earth, at which point, the winning institutions were announced.