White Paper

Nationwide Student Survey: Opportunities to Grow Student Success and Career Preparation


Our recent study provides additional context regarding the sentiment of college students about technology needs, career preparation, and other areas of student success and to identify elements for institutions to be aware of to continue to strengthen efforts to engage and retain students. 


Course Structure Findings 


A key aspect of the survey was to gain a deeper understanding of students’ preferences and expectations related to how courses are delivered, the type of interventions that they would potentially benefit from, and their preferred learning styles.




Most students are taking at least some courses online, with about half currently in online-only courses, including both synchronous and asynchronous courses. This matches with students’ stated preferences for course delivery, as nearly four in ten reported online courses with no set meeting times to be their preferred option. There was consistency across institution types, so institutions should review opportunities to create more online course options given the results of this survey. Online courses are potentially even more important for non-traditional students, with about half of students over 25 years old reporting this to be the preferred method of course delivery.  


Get the Full Analysis  


Download the full white paper to learn more about key findings from the analysis and opportunities for institutions to improve the student experience.