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Anthology Insight

Connect the data dots

Bring your data together in one solution. Get a holistic picture of what’s working and why through a connected data ecosystem. Understand the overall landscape of the learner experience, provide access to that information, and identify those once-hidden influential factors critical to mission fulfillment.

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  • Robust reporting and analytics

  • Flexible dashboards and visualizations

  • Establish a deeper understanding of data trends

  • Easily share key information to encourage the right conversations
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Optimize your view of the big picture

Bring greater life to your data and establish a data network to glean better insights. From course evaluation analysis to outcomes assessment to student engagement metrics, uncover student trends and use powerful integrations to help enhance student learning and success.

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Analytics that match learners to the right resources

Timely insights—customized to your institution—take the guesswork out of learner success. Embed public dashboards and write narratives that help identify which learners are at risk and which factors are impacting their ability to succeed. Then help them get the right resources and level of support. 

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Gain buy-in across the institution through visualizations

Dynamic data visualizations highlight previously hidden patterns so you can easily understand outcomes and trends across departments, divisions, and your institution. Build custom reports and then share your information with other stakeholders in a matter of minutes. 

Institutions who use Anthology Insight

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